We’re Moving!

+1 Gaming will have a new home soon! 4425 W Napoleon Ave in Metairie. We expect to finish the move by early September.

Why the move?

We outgrew the old spot! During the COVID-19 pandemic we closed our play space and invested in more inventory, which quickly filled that space. That inventory fueled more sales and helped us serve more customers. Now that events are on the horizon we don’t have room!

4425 W Napoleon gives us over 250% the floor space, plus greater visibility from the road and plenty parking all our own. We’re thrilled at all the possibilities.

When will you restart events?

We are expecting to resume in-store play quickly after the move, though we want to temper that with awareness of the delta variant. Proof of vaccination will be required to use our play space (though not for shopping). We’re still ironing out details, but expect our regular staples of Magic: the Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer, as well as restarting Pokemon and looking at new approaches to board game nights focused on casual and new players.

What still needs to happen?

We just recently (July 6) got our renovation permit. The next steps are:

  1. demolishing some interior walls,

  2. making mechanical adjustments such as some new electric outlets, AC ducts, and repositioning sprinkler heads,

  3. Painting and installing new floor,

  4. passing Parish and fire inspections,

  5. and moving!

This success is all thanks to you, and we’re thrilled to return that fruit to you with this tremendous upgrade. See you at the table soon!


Magic: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms


Modern Horizons 2